Welcome to my Carrd!Here you can find all my official social media accounts in one place.
You can also find policies for fans and minors aswell as other legal stuff through the menu above!
~ Vee

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I catch Vee's Streams?
All my streams are live on Twitch!
The link can be found at the top of this page.

When does Vee stream?
Stream schedules are released every week on Twitter and Discord! Be sure to follow both to stay up to date!

How can I support Vee?
Watching livestreams and videos is the best way to support!
Subscriptions, cheering or donating directly are also an option but not necessary!

Is Vee okay with Fanart?
Fanart is always welcome but please be respectful of Vee and other people that may be subject of said fanart.

Can I reupload Vee's Clips?
Any self-made or creative adaptations/edits of Vee's content are acceptable and may be posted on your platforms for revenue.
Fan translations may be reposted purely for translation purposes!Reuploading and monetizing edited content from my main platforms (such as TikToks, Shorts, Reels or edited highlight videos) is not allowed!

Fan Policy

We love fan works and merchandise! Fanart, cosplays, and merchandise inspired by Vee are welcomed and encouraged. However, it's essential to respect fellow artists and creators by not using their fan arts without permission.For those interested in selling or monetizing their fan works, please adhere to these guidelines:• Avoid using Vee's official model assets for your fan work sales.• Create unique merchandise, steering clear of products too similar to Vee's official merchandise.• Clearly state that your fan work is unofficial and not directly affiliated with Vee.• Please do not sell your merchandise through big companies like Amazon. If you wish to sell Vee-inspired merch, please do so only directly to consumers.• Selling fan merchandise for non-profit purposes, like charity, is absolutely fine!Keep in mind that this list is preliminary and may be updated on a case-by-case basis in the future.Lastly, we'd be ecstatic to see your incredible fan works shared on Twitter or Vee's official Discord Server! Let's cherish creativity while respecting each other and following these straightforward rules!

Guideline for Minors

These guidelines are specifically for minors who watch Vee's content to ensure a safe and secure watching experience.Donations and Support:
We sincerely value your desire to support and donate to Vee's content. If you happen to be a minor, we kindly request that you obtain permission from your parents or legal guardians before accessing and contributing to Vee's content. Respecting their consent and refraining from using their information or credit cards without approval is crucial, as it could lead to serious consequences. While enjoying Vee's content on Twitch, there are various ways to show support, such as "Subscriptions," "Bits," and "Donations." Please act responsibly and considerately when supporting Vee.
Consent of Legal Guardians:
For minors, explicit consent from a parent or legal guardian is of utmost importance before tuning in to Vee's live streams. We want both minors and their guardians to be aware that some of Vee's content may be mature. Therefore, obtaining prior consent and consulting your legal guardians before accessing any paid content, including Twitch Subscriptions, is essential.
Health and Safety:
As you watch Vee's content, please keep in mind that certain games or streams may contain sensitive or mature themes. Parental discretion is advised to ensure an appropriate viewing experience. Your well-being is our primary concern.